According to a new Danish study, most children are born with too little vitamin D in their blood. The big question is: Does this deficiency continue throughout life?
There has been a lot of talk about vitamin D in recent years. The discussion has mainly focused on whether or not the population gets enough of this vital nutrient. A new study certainly gives food for thought as it shows, rather surprisingly, that over 50% of Danish babies are vitamin D-deficient at birth. This is a result of their mothers not having sufficiently high vitamin D status to ensure adequate levels in their offspring. This rings alarm bells for the Irish population as well given that both Denmark and Ireland are situated in the Northern latitude and get limited amounts of sunshine.
Are recommendations too conservative?
A total of 2,500 mothers and their babies participated in the study. This is a comparatively large and representative number and suggests that the current recommendations for vitamin D are too low to ensure sufficient vitamin D levels in the general population.
Sunshine is no guarantee
It is tempting to think that the low vitamin D levels were a result of Denmarks Northern latitude, but even in countries with substantially more sunshine there seems to be similar problems. For instance, a new Australian study showed that 58% of Australians lack vitamin D. Sunshine, in other words, is no guarantee.
Important for growth and development
One reason why vitamin D is so important in the early stage of life is that the nutrient contributes to normal growth and development of bone tissue in children. The skeleton starts to form in the 15th week of pregnancy. Later in life, however, vitamin D even contributes to other functions like the immune system and the maintenance of normal bones and teeth.
Why D-Pearls have superior absorption
Vitamin D is lipid soluble which means that its absorption is optimised when taken with fat or oil. D-Pearls contain 38 micrograms of biologically active vitamin D3 that has been dissolved in high-quality olive oil. This is to ensure effective absorption in the digestive system.
D-Pearls is tested by scientists at the University of Oslo, Norway. The researchers gave different dosages to two groups of athletes and observed that both the low and high dose was absorbed very well.
Source: ”Effekt av vitamin D-tilskudd på 25(OH)D status” (André Colin Klæboe Baumann), University of Oslo, July 2013